we offer the following regulatory and certification services:





Fire & Life Safety

All new buildings, and new work in existing buildings, must comply with The National Construction Code (NCC). This code was formerly known as the Building Code of Australia (BCA). It sets the minimum technical requirements for the construction of new buildings (and new building work in existing buildings). Building Certificates Australia staff are experts in the application, interpretation and assessment against the NCC. We can prepare NCC (BCA) compliance reports to assist a Council assess your development application (DA), or provide NCC (BCA) Consulting Services at an stage of a development. We have unrestricted accreditation to assess and type of class 1-9 building against the requirements of the NCC

Fire and Rescue NSW submissions

Fire and Rescue NSW submissions (Clause 152A)

BCA Compliance Capability Report for Development Application (DA) Lodgement

Building Regulatory, BCA and Fire Safety Audit Reports

Annual Fire Safety Statements

Building Regulatory and BCA advice for Crown Developments

Preparation of a Disability (Access to Premises — Buildings) Standards 2010 reports


A Strata Certifier can issue a strata certificate for a Strata Plan. This then allows the Strata Plan to be lodged at the Land Titles Office for registration.

Building Certificates Australia staff are accredited to issue Strata Certificates for any development, where prior approval has been given to strata subdivide.

Strata Certification